Friday, June 8, 2012

Want change? Do it the right way!

In prior posts I have encouraged citizens, who want to see and affect change, do so in a respectful and thoughtful manner. I have recently read one example of what not to do, and watched an example of what should be done. In the May 24 Holly Springs Sun, a local resident wrote a disjointed letter which complained about projects and policies that the town council has reviewed and approved over the last ten years. This rant did not offer any solutions nor alternatives, only sarcasm. The issues ranged from super streets to the size of the cultural center to residential and commercial growth. Based on what I read, there was not much , if any, research done on any of the topics he chose to comment about. If you want to see change , this is NOT how to do it. On the other hand, at the May 15 town council meeting, a twelve year resident professionally addressed the council about amending the town's Design and Comstruction Standards Manual to allow fences in town easements. The policy states that they are not permitted, but he suggested that it be amended to allow them with conditions. He obviously researched the issue, put in the time to review it, investigated the policy in the town of Cary, and offered some ideas on how it could be changed. This was all done in a respectful and professional manner and I bet that he will get many of the changes that he wants. This gentleman saw a problem, did the research , got involved in the right way. Town council members have a difficult job and cannot please everyone, but if you disagree, do so respectfully, offer some alternatives and things may go your way!

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