Sunday, January 17, 2010

Town Council Retreats

These meetings are often the target of taxpayers groups as being a waste of money, but as a participant of these meetings, they are very worthwhile. They permit long uninterrupted discussions on various town topics over a few days in a more relaxed setting. And, of course, these meetings open to the public. Normally these meetings take place at a conference center outside of town over the course of a weekend (Friday afternoon through midday on Sunday). Holly Springs normally uses a hotel in nearby Moore County. The cost of lodging, meals and mileage is well worth it as the town will realize the benefits in the short and long term. Look around at the many improvements which have taken place in Holly Springs and it was likely discussed at an annual retreat.

So if you learn that the town council is going on a weekend planning retreat, please understand that you will be the beneficiary of the work done with the time spent while they are away from home.

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